
We’re pleased to announce the release of our annual Review of Operations showcasing our work and achievements in 2023. Key statistics:  • 3,764 complaints received (45% more than 2022)  • 259 ads assessed by the Ad Standards Community Panel   • 81 ads found…

Late last year we launched our very own advertising campaign with the aim of raising awareness of Ad Standards within the community. The campaign rolled out nationally across TV, radio, digital, cinema and out-of-home. It featured people reacting differently to ads and showed…

It’s no secret that Aussie’s love a good joke, but when it comes to advertising there’s fine line between humour and offence. Navigating this balance requires some careful consideration to avoid upsetting your audience. In 2021 we completed some research that that provides…

Car ads can be cool – shiny cars, great music – but did you know that there are rules in place to make sure these ads are responsible? In Australia, the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) Code is the rulebook for motor…

Strong new rules are being implemented for advertising to children from December 1 2023. The new Code extends safeguards to all advertising directed at children, not just advertising of children’s products. The new Code complements the AANA Food & Beverage Advertising Code which…

While the advertising codes we administer cover a wide range of issues of concern to the Australian community, there are some that fall outside our jurisdiction – including advertisements that deal with political or public policy issues. While we understand that many in…

The regulation of alcohol advertising in Australia aims to ensure that ads do not promote excessive or irresponsible drinking, and do not appeal to minors. In Australia, alcohol advertising is regulated by a combination of self-regulation through industry codes, and government legislation. The…

So you’ve been notified that your ad received a complaint and Ad Standards is investigating a potential breach of the advertising rules. What now? A little background Ad Standards accepts complaints about advertising from members of the community. Complaints are lodged via our…

As we come into footy finals and the start of the spring racing season, it’s important to be mindful of what your advertising content portrays, particularly when advertising wagering services. While licensed operators can legally advertise wagering products and services in Australia, there…

An issue that has been considered recently by the Community Panel is the lack of clear disclosure in influencer marketing posts. Not only do posts need to openly disclose any arrangements between an influencer and a brand, but the disclosure needs to be…

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