Any member of the community can complain about any ad which may be in breach of the advertising codes.
Before lodging a complaint, please take a moment to check that your complaint is about an issue we cover.
To make a complaint, you will need to provide:
- information about the ad, including where you saw it (please note that if we don’t have enough detail to identify the ad you are concerned about, we may not be able to proceed with an assessment of your complaint)
- if possible, a photo, video, screenshot or screen recording of the ad
- a reason why you object to, or were offended by the ad
- either an email address or postal address so that we can keep you updated on the status of your complaint. We don’t accept anonymous complaints. Our privacy policy provides details about how your personal information is handled.
What happens next?
When we receive your complaint, we will promptly assess it against the advertising codes.
After our assessment we will write to you to let you know if the issue/s you raise fall under the advertising codes and can be considered by the Ad Standards Community Panel. For more information about what happens next, take a look at the full complaints process.